The Giving Grove inspires communities to grow hope, health, and resilience through the simple act of planting fruit trees.
Since 2013, The Giving Grove has made sustainable urban orcharding accessible for communities and businesses. Your support helps create community orchards that improve food access, biodiversity, and climate resilience.
Whether local or national, our partnerships let you invest in greener cities and community-driven change. Join us to plant orchards that nourish today and sustain tomorrow.
Why Partner with Us?
It’s all in the data.
As your nonprofit partner, The Giving Grove can provide contextualized data for your business, including:
Environmental Impact Data
Food Production Data
Community Data
Let’s be a part of your story.
Enhance your reporting with customized marketing assets such as:
Photos, video, and graphics
Social Media content and mentions
Personalized storytelling assets
Giving Grove Change Makers
Connect with us to learn more and get started:
Erica Kratofil, Co-Executive Director, at and 816-406-2696.